Supporting your child with Maths

Helping your child at home with maths

One of the most common questions we are asked at Parents' Evening is:

'How can I help my child with their maths at home?' Many of you seem to be worried that you will teach your children the 'wrong' way of calculating because the strategies we use today are in many cases different and slightly alien to those that many of you were taught at school. Therefore, we will be giving examples of our calculation methods on this page along with useful websites to help make learning maths at home fun and stress free.


Based on extensive research, we have two top tips for you all; these, we can't guarantee will make your child an amazing mathematician, but we can say will provide them with a platform to success.


Top Tip 1: Tell your children they are good at maths.

Top Tip 2: Pretend you love maths (even if you hated maths at school yourself!)

Calculation Methods:

White Rose Maths have created some useful parent videos explaining how maths is taught now.  They can be found at

Below are a few ideas of how to engage your child in maths at home and how to support them on their mathematical journey:

  • Allow children to take part in baking, including measuring with a discussion of weights, measures and scales.
  • Measure your child’s and their sibling’s height on a chart. They can see how they are growing and it would be a lovely keepsake.
  • Have a clock face in your house and discuss the time with your child e.g. when the minute hand gets to 12 and the hour hand is at 5 it is 5 o’clock, this is dinner time etc. They can also be given time limit games to understand how long a given time is.
  • Play board games, battleships, card games, dominoes etc. so children are counting and seeing numbers regularly.
  • Encourage your child to use apps suggested by school such as Times Table Rockstars.
  • Allow your child to see money and give them the opportunity to ‘buy things’ either in a make believe shop in your home or in a real life situation.
  • Going up the stairs – counting in 1’s, 2’s 3’s etc. according to their year groups expectations.
  • Playing with Lego/Duplo to create structures or junk modelling and talking about the shapes used.
  • Creating art work, talking about the different shapes, colour and patterns. Could they make a symmetrical pattern?
  • Shopping – children to work out how much something will cost, how much change they will get etc. They could also discuss the items bought, which is the heaviest, lightest etc.

Useful Websites:

Online Lessons:

These sites are particularly useful during periods of self- isolation!

White Rose Lessons

Oak Academy Maths:




Work Books

White Rose Maths is excited to have produced a range of work booklets for parents and children to use over the summer or during next year. These booklets can be found on Amazon for the Kindle or downloaded below.  There is one booklet for each of our blocks for Y1 to Y6.

Choose from Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6

Supporting your child with Maths

Helping your child at home with maths

One of the most common questions we are asked at Parents' Evening is:

'How can I help my child with their maths at home?' Many of you seem to be worried that you will teach your children the 'wrong' way of calculating because the strategies we use today are in many cases different and slightly alien to those that many of you were taught at school. Therefore, we will be giving examples of our calculation methods on this page along with useful websites to help make learning maths at home fun and stress free.


Based on extensive research, we have two top tips for you all; these, we can't guarantee will make your child an amazing mathematician, but we can say will provide them with a platform to success.


Top Tip 1: Tell your children they are good at maths.

Top Tip 2: Pretend you love maths (even if you hated maths at school yourself!)

Calculation Methods:

White Rose Maths have created some useful parent videos explaining how maths is taught now.  They can be found at

Below are a few ideas of how to engage your child in maths at home and how to support them on their mathematical journey:

  • Allow children to take part in baking, including measuring with a discussion of weights, measures and scales.
  • Measure your child’s and their sibling’s height on a chart. They can see how they are growing and it would be a lovely keepsake.
  • Have a clock face in your house and discuss the time with your child e.g. when the minute hand gets to 12 and the hour hand is at 5 it is 5 o’clock, this is dinner time etc. They can also be given time limit games to understand how long a given time is.
  • Play board games, battleships, card games, dominoes etc. so children are counting and seeing numbers regularly.
  • Encourage your child to use apps suggested by school such as Times Table Rockstars.
  • Allow your child to see money and give them the opportunity to ‘buy things’ either in a make believe shop in your home or in a real life situation.
  • Going up the stairs – counting in 1’s, 2’s 3’s etc. according to their year groups expectations.
  • Playing with Lego/Duplo to create structures or junk modelling and talking about the shapes used.
  • Creating art work, talking about the different shapes, colour and patterns. Could they make a symmetrical pattern?
  • Shopping – children to work out how much something will cost, how much change they will get etc. They could also discuss the items bought, which is the heaviest, lightest etc.

Useful Websites:

Online Lessons:

These sites are particularly useful during periods of self- isolation!

White Rose Lessons

Oak Academy Maths:




Work Books

White Rose Maths is excited to have produced a range of work booklets for parents and children to use over the summer or during next year. These booklets can be found on Amazon for the Kindle or downloaded below.  There is one booklet for each of our blocks for Y1 to Y6.

Choose from Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6

Supporting your child with Maths

Helping your child at home with maths

One of the most common questions we are asked at Parents' Evening is:

'How can I help my child with their maths at home?' Many of you seem to be worried that you will teach your children the 'wrong' way of calculating because the strategies we use today are in many cases different and slightly alien to those that many of you were taught at school. Therefore, we will be giving examples of our calculation methods on this page along with useful websites to help make learning maths at home fun and stress free.


Based on extensive research, we have two top tips for you all; these, we can't guarantee will make your child an amazing mathematician, but we can say will provide them with a platform to success.


Top Tip 1: Tell your children they are good at maths.

Top Tip 2: Pretend you love maths (even if you hated maths at school yourself!)

Calculation Methods:

White Rose Maths have created some useful parent videos explaining how maths is taught now.  They can be found at

Below are a few ideas of how to engage your child in maths at home and how to support them on their mathematical journey:

  • Allow children to take part in baking, including measuring with a discussion of weights, measures and scales.
  • Measure your child’s and their sibling’s height on a chart. They can see how they are growing and it would be a lovely keepsake.
  • Have a clock face in your house and discuss the time with your child e.g. when the minute hand gets to 12 and the hour hand is at 5 it is 5 o’clock, this is dinner time etc. They can also be given time limit games to understand how long a given time is.
  • Play board games, battleships, card games, dominoes etc. so children are counting and seeing numbers regularly.
  • Encourage your child to use apps suggested by school such as Times Table Rockstars.
  • Allow your child to see money and give them the opportunity to ‘buy things’ either in a make believe shop in your home or in a real life situation.
  • Going up the stairs – counting in 1’s, 2’s 3’s etc. according to their year groups expectations.
  • Playing with Lego/Duplo to create structures or junk modelling and talking about the shapes used.
  • Creating art work, talking about the different shapes, colour and patterns. Could they make a symmetrical pattern?
  • Shopping – children to work out how much something will cost, how much change they will get etc. They could also discuss the items bought, which is the heaviest, lightest etc.

Useful Websites:

Online Lessons:

These sites are particularly useful during periods of self- isolation!

White Rose Lessons

Oak Academy Maths:




Work Books

White Rose Maths is excited to have produced a range of work booklets for parents and children to use over the summer or during next year. These booklets can be found on Amazon for the Kindle or downloaded below.  There is one booklet for each of our blocks for Y1 to Y6.

Choose from Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6