Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership is an example of how we promote pupils' personal development:
  • 'develops pupils to become responsible, respectful and active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life as adults'  (OFSTED  School Inspection Handbook)

Pupil Leadership gives a forum for gathering pupil voice: this allows for children to actively co-construct the learning journey with their teachers and school leaders.
'Pupil Voice' is gathered at other times, for example when subject leaders want to know how well their subject is being taught across school.  We value the responses of every individual.  

School Council

Our School Council comprises 10 pupils from Years 2 to 6. Every year, we hold a democratic election, with a manifesto, hustings and secret ballot. Two pupils are elected from each class, and they act as representatives to put forward ideas for improvements from the pupils they represent, as well as to run projects in school. 

How can you spot them? Look out for their School Council pin badge.

Mount Mates

Our 'Mount Mates' help to promote happy playtimes for all.  They might help in the school hall at lunchtime, look out for children who need a friend, or help to tidy away playtime equipment.  To become a Mount Mate (KS2), children must complete an application and sit an interview.

How can you spot them? Look out for their Mount Mate lanyards.



Eco Crew

Our Eco Crew is a pupil-led team which meets weekly.  They focus on energy-saving projects.

How can you spot them? Look out for their Eco Crew pin badge.

Sports Leaders

Our Year 6 Sports Leaders do just that - lead sport!  They help to keep children active at platyimes by leading activities.  They use their training to recommend the right type of exercise.  

How can you spot them? Look out for their navy Sports Leader tshirts.

Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership is an example of how we promote pupils' personal development:
  • 'develops pupils to become responsible, respectful and active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life as adults'  (OFSTED  School Inspection Handbook)

Pupil Leadership gives a forum for gathering pupil voice: this allows for children to actively co-construct the learning journey with their teachers and school leaders.
'Pupil Voice' is gathered at other times, for example when subject leaders want to know how well their subject is being taught across school.  We value the responses of every individual.  

School Council

Our School Council comprises 10 pupils from Years 2 to 6. Every year, we hold a democratic election, with a manifesto, hustings and secret ballot. Two pupils are elected from each class, and they act as representatives to put forward ideas for improvements from the pupils they represent, as well as to run projects in school. 

How can you spot them? Look out for their School Council pin badge.

Mount Mates

Our 'Mount Mates' help to promote happy playtimes for all.  They might help in the school hall at lunchtime, look out for children who need a friend, or help to tidy away playtime equipment.  To become a Mount Mate (KS2), children must complete an application and sit an interview.

How can you spot them? Look out for their Mount Mate lanyards.



Eco Crew

Our Eco Crew is a pupil-led team which meets weekly.  They focus on energy-saving projects.

How can you spot them? Look out for their Eco Crew pin badge.

Sports Leaders

Our Year 6 Sports Leaders do just that - lead sport!  They help to keep children active at platyimes by leading activities.  They use their training to recommend the right type of exercise.  

How can you spot them? Look out for their navy Sports Leader tshirts.

Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership is an example of how we promote pupils' personal development:
  • 'develops pupils to become responsible, respectful and active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life as adults'  (OFSTED  School Inspection Handbook)

Pupil Leadership gives a forum for gathering pupil voice: this allows for children to actively co-construct the learning journey with their teachers and school leaders.
'Pupil Voice' is gathered at other times, for example when subject leaders want to know how well their subject is being taught across school.  We value the responses of every individual.  

School Council

Our School Council comprises 10 pupils from Years 2 to 6. Every year, we hold a democratic election, with a manifesto, hustings and secret ballot. Two pupils are elected from each class, and they act as representatives to put forward ideas for improvements from the pupils they represent, as well as to run projects in school. 

How can you spot them? Look out for their School Council pin badge.

Mount Mates

Our 'Mount Mates' help to promote happy playtimes for all.  They might help in the school hall at lunchtime, look out for children who need a friend, or help to tidy away playtime equipment.  To become a Mount Mate (KS2), children must complete an application and sit an interview.

How can you spot them? Look out for their Mount Mate lanyards.



Eco Crew

Our Eco Crew is a pupil-led team which meets weekly.  They focus on energy-saving projects.

How can you spot them? Look out for their Eco Crew pin badge.

Sports Leaders

Our Year 6 Sports Leaders do just that - lead sport!  They help to keep children active at platyimes by leading activities.  They use their training to recommend the right type of exercise.  

How can you spot them? Look out for their navy Sports Leader tshirts.