
The subject leader for Music is Mr Haigh.

Why do we teach Music?

 At The Mount, we make music an enjoyable learning experience. We encourage all children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up their love of music, self- confidence and sense of achievement. Our teaching focuses on developing the children’s ability to, sing in tune and with other people, play tuned and untuned musical instruments with increasing control, fluency and expression and listen critically to a wide range of music from different periods, genres, styles and traditions. As children progress through the school they will increasingly understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated through the interrelated dimensions of music: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and musical notation. By Key stage 2 children will begin to improvise and compose music for a range of purposes.


How do we teach Music?

We teach music in Reception classes as an integral part of the topic work covered during the year. In the Early Years, music contributes to a child’s development in the area of expressive arts and design. Key stage 1, Year 3 and 6  children are taught music by their class teacher and year 4 and 5 are lucky enough to be taught ukuleles (4) and guitar (5) by a peripatetic teacher from Wakefield music services. We use Charanga to support our music teaching as it is a very clear and comprehensive scheme of work which covers all the national curriculum requirements in a full and progressive way. Instrumental learning (playing the recorder and glockenspiel) is taught explicitly and progressively using the Charanga units of work.

 During singing assemblies, and selected music lessons, we select pieces of music from the Charanga Listening centre to encourage listening and appraising of a variety of music from different genres and eras on a weekly basis. The listening centre also provides music which is selected for use in a variety of lessons and activities to create, mood, atmosphere and for concentration. Children throughout school sing on a weekly basis for pleasure during our music assemblies as well as rehearsing for whole school performances for Harvest, carol concerts and school productions.

At our school we teach music to all children, whatever their ability. Music forms part of the school curriculum policy to provide a broad and balanced education to all children. Assessment against the National Curriculum allows us to consider each child’s attainment and progress against expectations. Teachers assess children’s work in music by making informal judgements as they observe them during lessons, giving feedback to help them improve. Additional evidence may be gained during school performances or other relevant events, and may be presented in the form of recordings or photographs. The attainment of each child is indicated annually in the end of year report.

Knowledge and Skills

Knowledge _ Skills - Year R.pdf .pdf
Knowledge _ Skills - Year 1.pdf .pdf
Knowledge _ Skills - Year 2.pdf .pdf
Knowledge _ Skills - Year 3.pdf .pdf
Knowledge _ Skills - Year 4.pdf .pdf
Knowledge _ Skills - Year 5.pdf .pdf
Knowledge _ Skills - Year 6.pdf .pdf


Vocabulary Years 1 to 6.pdf .pdf

Wellerman by Blue Class

Blue Class have come a long way since their first video posted of them playing the ukulele. This performance of Wellerman (a sea shanty) challenges them to sing and play numerous chords: A, E, F and C. We hope you enjoy it!


Year 5 - Batman theme

 Since learning the ukulele in Year 4, Year Five have applied those skills to the classical guitar. This performance of Batman shows how they can play the notes C, D and G clearly in time with a backing track.

Dig Those Sticks

As well as learning the ukuleles, Blue Class have been improving their percussion skills using rhythm sticks while singing at the same time. Listen to their performance of Dig Those Sticks in the video above. 

The Water Cycle

At the Mount we LOVE music...especially in Year Four! Therefore, when we were learning about the water cycle in science, we decided to do it using singing, instruments and rapping. Have a listen to our version using chime bars, glockenspiels and Boomwhackers. 

Above is Year 3 playing their glockenspiels like pros.  They have been learning to play the notes C, D, E and F in time with music, composing their own pieces of music and have even started to draw musical notes on a staff (see below).

Rockin' Robin

Since September, Year 4 have been improving their ukulele playing every week. They can now change between three chords (C, F, G) while singing at the same time, which can be incredibly challenging. Watch their performance of Rockin' Robin above to hear how brilliant they sound! 

Rock Those Chords

Rock those ukuleles! Blue Class were so proud of their ukulele performance of Rock Those Chords they wanted to share it with the rest of the school. Watch closely as they change between the F and C chord like real rock stars!

Mr Pizzicato

Year 4 have been working incredibly hard on their violin skills and singing. In the video above, you can hear them playing pizzicato and using their bow in a performance of Mr Pizzicato and Friends. 

All Star Blues

Year 5 have made fantastic improvements with their ukulele playing. In the performance above you can hear them playing along with a backing track called 'All Star Blues' which follows a 12 bar blues chord pattern. This term they have be learning and mastering moving between the C, F and G chords. 

Above is a medley of our school song plus some of our Harvest Festival songs. You can also watch a video of the children singing Don't Stop Believin' by Journey. 


We hope you enjoy it!



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