
The subject leader for science is Mrs Horner.


In line with our core school value of ‘Reason’, we want our children to develop a fundamental desire to question the ways the world around them works. Our aim is to make science relevant and exciting to our children, with purposeful outcomes that they care about achieving.

We aim to inspire our children by modelling an approach of curiosity, questioning and scientific working to encourage a love of learning how and why things happen in the world around us. We acknowledge that to understand scientific terminology and apply its vocabulary to learning, children need to access experiential learning to commit skills to long term memory.

Children will be working scientifically and exploring through hands on activities to create a sense of awe and wonder about the world they live in. In order to put their learning into meaningful context, children need to learn about scientists who have made a difference in society and think about the role they play in the real world. We aim to inspire our children’s aspirations of potential careers in science through exploring the work of such scientists.

We aim to ensure that all children can draw upon prior learning as they progress through each year group from EYFS to the end of Key Stage Two. We aim to meet the needs of all learners in our curriculum- challenging them, enabling them to problem solve and undertake learning at a deeper level.


  • To develop a love of science; to enthuse children and make learning fun.
  • To build on children’s curiosity and sense of awe in the natural world and develop the core value of ‘reason’.
  • To ensure children experience all five scientific enquiries: observation, testing, research, classifying and identifying and pattern seeking by becoming scientists in the classroom.
  • To make learning purposeful, to make cross curricular links and for children to experience ‘real life’ concepts. (Maths, English, Computing in particular)
  • To increase children’s scientific vocabulary and the language of science.
  • To ensure children use a range of equipment accurately and safely through hands on investigations and observations. (Develop core value of ‘Respect’)
  • To give children varied opportunities, through active participation. All children have opportunity to explore and follow their own lines of enquiry.  At times investigations are child led. (Develop core value of ‘Reason & Respect’)
  • To understand and make a difference to the world e.g. how to look after the environment, how to stay fit and healthy. (Develop core value of ‘Respect’)
  • To develop children’s aspirations of potential careers in science through talking about the work of scientists and how they can make a difference to others.


Due to the impact of school closures, the science leader consulted with the staff of each class to highlight any areas which have been impacted. This information was shared with class teachers to ensure that they were aware of gaps which they may need to address. We are hopeful that our well-planned home-learning timetables and proactive planning to fill gaps will enable children to access the curriculum moving forwards.


The teaching of science in our school will ensure that:

  • Science is a high profile subject across the school which promotes our core values of Reason, Resilience and Respect.
  • Children are enthusiastic, resilient and curious scientists who are highly motivated to learn.
  • Children’s learning is relevant and purposeful. They are keen to explore the world around them and ask meaningful questions about things around them.
  • The curriculum is taught in a hands on, practical manner where possible and learning is purposeful with opportunities to explore and develop cross-curricular links.
  • Children are aware of and inspired by famous people in science and possible future careers in the field.
  • The curriculum is enhanced by the wider community through visitors, workshops and trips on a regular basis.

Progression in Science





To celebrate World Science Day, we had a 'Science Selfie' competition. Children were asked to research an area or topic of scince which they are interested in or to send in a selfie of them conducting a science experiment in school or at home!


Watch this space for our entries and winners of special science prizes...



We had a very exciting visitor to celebrate Science Week in style!


Boffin Harry welcomed the whole school into an assembly, sharing some very exciting ideas and experiements to kick of Science Week with a BANG!!


He then held interactive science workshops with Years 2-6 to dig even deeper into 'Space' and 'Fabulous Flames'.