
We expect all children to attend school regularly unless they are ill or have a home emergency. We have an Attendance Officer and a Learning Mentor/Family Support Worker who liaise with families that are struggling to get their child/ren in to school.  A link to our attendance policy is below:

Attendance Policy 

Absence Procedure

Please call our school office (01924 371738) by 9am if your child is not going to be attending school for any reason. Our Attendance Officer will contact you if we have no reason for your child not being in school, this may be a text message, phone call or email.  

Opening Times: 8:50am - 3:20pm

Our school gates are opened at 8.45am each morning. The classroom doors are opened at 8:50am and are closed at 9am. Children arriving after 9am must report to the main reception where they can be signed in and a lunch ordred (if required). Our school finishes at 3.20pm.

We have a bike shed on our premises where bikes and scooters can be stored throughout the day.

Our school gates are locked throughout the day.

Term-Time Absence Request

If you wish to take your child out of school during term-time, please ask for a request form from the office, or click the Term-Time Absence Request link below to download an editable version which can be emailed to our office email address.

Requests need to be received at least 4 term-time weeks before the planned absence, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Your child should not be taken out of school in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Please note that holidays do not count as exceptional circumstances. Further details are provided on page 2 of the form below: 

Term-Time Absence Request Form 


DfE Attendance Overview

